Ayla Sham Displays a Festive OMEGA Look
每年期盼的美妙時刻快將來臨,到處都是閃亮耀目的聖誕裝飾,腕上的腕表當然也要洋溢佳節氣氛。於八月加入歐米茄香港大家庭的新世代名媛及模特兒沈月(Ayla Sham) 藉佳節時刻,以歐米茄高雅簡約的碟飛Trésor腕表演繹節日造型迎聖誕。歐米茄碟飛Trésor系列設計含蓄而光芒四射,絕對是出席宴會及佳節慶祝場合的完美之選,盡顯非凡個人魅力。
這款賞心悅目的歐米茄碟飛Trésor腕表以品牌獨有的18K Moonshine™金鑄造,36mm表殼的弧形位置鑲飾美鑽,設計令人一見傾心。腕表選用飾有絲綢紋理的網紋表鏈帶,表背鑲飾掃有金屬塗層的藍寶石水晶表鏡,締造獨特的光面鏡面效果,配襯優雅動人的深色晚裝或時尚休閑服飾都可盡顯高雅氣質。
朱伊印花(Toile de Jouy)
歐米茄碟飛Mini Trésor系列配上雅緻朱伊印花織物表帶,完美糅合瑞士精確計時技術與法國傳統工藝。26mm表殼襯上清雅圖案的表帶流露脫俗美感,最適合送給懂得欣賞優雅經典圖案的她。
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It’s that magical time of year, when glistening decorations can be found everywhere, including your wrist. As the OMEGA Friend since August, Ayla Sham steps out for the season, she highlights one of OMEGA’s most simple yet radiant designs – the De Ville Trésor. This young socialite and model suggests us the perfect choice for a sophisticated night out, and a wonderful way to highlight her glamorous personality.
Every OMEGA watch tells a unique story. Wearing a De Ville Trésor is a chance to accentuate your timeless style, and to wear something truly elegant for a significant occasion. Whether you are dressing for an intimate family event, or a holiday party full of colourful celebration, this beautiful timepiece has you covered for every moment.
Speaking about her watch for the festive season, Ayla says, “I’ve literally fallen in love with this exquisite design. The De Ville Trésor has an all-over shimmer, which is essential when you want to glam up with some sparkles for the Christmas party. It has been three years since I last travelled with my family, so I’m very excited for our upcoming holiday celebrations. The Trésor is a heart-warming gift to myself, and exactly what I need for this special occasion.”
Treasure in Gold
The eye-catching De Ville Trésor in 18K Moonshine™ Gold features diamonds that elegantly curve along the 36mm case. Its spellbinding design includes a silk-patterned mesh bracelet and a polished mirror caseback embellished with metalized sapphire crystal. It’s the ideal match for an alluring dark gown, a chic and laid-back outfit, or full-on glamour and elegance.
Toile de Jouy
Blending Swiss precision with French tradition, OMEGA has extended the De Ville Mini Trésor collection with a range of elegant Toile de Jouy fabric straps. Attached to the 26mm case, this gorgeous patterned design adds a unique finishing touch to a simple yet graceful look. It is a special gift to anyone who appreciates stylish and classic patterns.
These timepieces are the most enchanting choices you can make. Wear one this year to shine through the festive season and celebrate the many hours of happiness ahead.
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